
Ilya Shakurskiy

Ilya was born in the city of Moksha (Penza region). At the time of his arrest Ilya lived in Penza. He is a student of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the Pedagogical Institute n.a. Belinsky of Penza State University. The environmental activist-ecologist, anti-fascist. At school, Shakursky gathered classmates and went with them to clean the river Moksha. He writes poems and prose.

Legal Case

Viktor Filinkov

Viktor was born in Petropavlovsk, Kazakhstan. From the age of 10, he was interested in remote control robots, fixing electronic devices, and computer programming. After school he moved to Omsk (Russia) where he started working as computer programmer (coder), linux-community user, open-source software and open-internet enthusiast and gave lectures about internet-security. He is also a left-wing activist, antifascist, supporter of working unions. He moved to Saint-Petersburg in 2016. 

Legal Case 


In the run-up to presidential elections and the FIFA World Cup, repressions against antifascists and anarchists started in Russia. In Autumn 2017, 6 people were arrested in Penza; several of them had weapons and explosives planted on them. FSB officers then tortured the antifascists right in the detention facility: they applied naked wires to the activists’ various body parts and turned the electricity on, they beat them up, hanged them upside down.

Tommaso "Tommy" Fontana

On April 5, 2019 in Cremona, Tommy was arrested. He is an anarchist who tried to resist a police arrest under the house of a fascist (who in the previous days had put himself on display with some cowardly provocations). A police car was smashed during the episode. On April 10, the sentence was pronounced by the Cremona court: one year, eight months and ten days of imprisonment for charges of “resistance, aggravated damage, injuries, threats and outrage”.

Gage Halupowski

Gage was arrested at a counter demonstration against a far-right rally in Portland, Oregon on June 29th, 2019 and had been locked up at the local county jail since that day with a high bail. Then on November 1st Gage accepted a non-cooperation plea deal, plead guilty to an assault charge, and was sentenced to nearly 6 years in prison. On November 29th Gage arrived at the prison where he’ll most likely be doing the majority of his time in Ontario, Oregon which is out by the Idaho border.

David Campbell

David Campbell is being unjustly imprisoned for events that unfolded at the protest of a New York City alt-right event on January 20, 2018.

A lover of language and the arts, David was two weeks away from moving to Paris to study French translation. It was his commitment to antifascism and his community that brought him out to the protest that night.

Eric Hancock

In late April 2019, Eric Hancock accepted a sentence of one year imprisonment on a single charge of unlawful wounding, a class 6 felony in Virginia, in a non-cooperating plea agreement. The decision to accept this plea came after a year awaiting trial. Initially charged with both malicious wounding and aggravated malicious wounding, Eric faced a mandatory 25 years in a state that does not offer parole.

Vladislav Sereda

Vladislav Sereda is an antifascist from Ivatsevichi. Sentenced to 2 years and 8 months of liberty restriction in a penitentiary facility for a fight with neonazis in Beryoza. The aggrieved persons filed a complaint and claimed that Vlad used a knife in the fight. They also asked for a restitution of 2000 euros each.

In the penitentiary facility inmates have to provide for themeselves with their own labour, but at the moment there is no work, so Vlad needs financial support for survival and for paying damages.


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