
Carl Davis

Carl was arrested with over 75 people after the confrontation with the police at Bristol’s Bridewell police station at the Kill the Bill demonstration on March 21st 2021. He was convicted was sentenced to 2.5 years in prison.

Bashir Abdullah al-Khatib

Bashir is from Ramla in occupied Palestine ’48. He was arrested on 1 January 1988, amid the rise of the great popular intifada throughout occupied Palestine, and charged with membership in a prohibited organization, possession of weapons and explosives, and participating in the armed Palestinian resistance. He was sentenced to life imprisonment; in 2012, the term of his sentence was set to 35 years. Like other Palestinian prisoners from occupied Palestine ’48, he is targeted by the new Zionist law that aims to render Palestinian prisoners stateless after their release.

Richard Fox

Foxy was sentenced to 2.5 years for participation in the confrontation with the police outside Bridewell Police Station at the Kill the Bill demonstration on 21st March 2021.

As of June 2023, Foxy is held in HMP Channings Wood.

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Ivan Alocco

Ivan was arrested on June 11, 2022 and accused by the Sous-Direction Anti-Terroriste (SDAT) of the Central Directorate of Police French for an investigation concerning some arson attacks, which took place in Paris and Montreuil between January and June of the same year, against vehicles of Enedis (dependent on EDF, Électricité de France), of the SFR (Société Française du Radiotéléphone), of the newspaper "Est Républicain", belonging to diplomatic corps and against a luxury car.

Kristina Cherenkova

Kristina is an anti-fascist from Mozyr. Detained on March 23, 2022, she is accused of inciting social hatred against police officers (Art. 130.1 of the Criminal Code) by publishing comments on Instagram. On 10 November Gomel Regional Court started the hearing of the criminal case against Kristina. According to the results of the examination, announced in court, her posts contain no calls to violent actions, but they contain a negative assessment of the police officers.

Charly May Pitman

Charly May went out to demonstrate last year against the Policing Bill, and to remember Sarah Everard. She was found guilty of riot and sentenced to 3 years in prison.

As of July 2022, Charly is held in HMP Eastwood Park.

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Anastasiya Levashova

Anastasiya is a student who on the first day of the Russian attack against Ukraine, the 24th of February 2022, joined the anti-war protest and threw a Molotov cocktail against the police. She was sentenced to two years in prison with charges of using violence against state representatives.

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